Insights and News

It is our remarkable people that allow us to deliver our vision, each contributing in a unique way to delivering change.

News Article

Blenheim Estate announces partnership with UK climate tech firm A Healthier Earth on new ForestFactory concept

Blenheim Estate has announced a new partnership with British climate tech catalyst A Healthier Earth on a ForestFactory concept, which will use innovative farming methods to help address the affects climate change.

21st Mar 2024

Blog Post

Why biochar isn’t just charcoal and what is bio-coal?

We aren’t just facing a climate crisis, but a soil one too. While global greenhouse gas emissions soar to record highs, the thin layer of topsoil on which we depend for our food is also disappearing.

13th Feb 2024

News Article

Environmental Journal: Major dairy companies sign up for methane alliance at COP28

Our Chief R&D Officer Alastair Collier is featured in an article on Environmental Journal, talking about the need to incentivise farmers to reduce their methane emissions.

8th Jan 2024

News Article

Climate News: We must incentivise farmers to cut their methane emissions

Our Chief R&D Officer Alastair Collier wrote a piece for Climate News about incentivising farmers to reduce methane emissions in the same way we do with carbon credits.

12th Dec 2023


Dubai TV: Alastair speaks to Dubai TV about biochar and our plot at COP28

Our Chief R&D Officer Alastair Collier spoke to Dubai TV about the potential of biochar at our plot in Expo City Farm at COP28.

9th Dec 2023


BBC News: Alastair speaks to BBC News about his hopes for COP28

Our Chief R&D Officer Alastair Collier spoke to BBC News after the first day of COP28 to give his take on announcements so far and hopes for the summit.

8th Dec 2023

Blog Post

We can only tackle the climate crisis if we change the way we farm

The world’s food systems account for up to 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions, making agriculture one of the most carbon intensive industries on the planet.

28th Nov 2023 - Alastair Collier

News Article

Envirotec: UK firm is official biochar partner at COP28

Envirotec writes about the announcement of A Healthier Earth as the official biochar supplier for COP28.

21st Nov 2023

Together we can build a healthier earth

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